What's new
  1. 1.16
Required Dependencies
MythicMobs Free (1.16.5)/Premium (1.17.1), MythicCrucible, MMOItems (Optional)
As in the title!

This item allows for the user to cast upwards of 12 skills (more if you wish to expand upon) via combinations of left-clicking or right-clicking.
Visual Example:

- Simply unzip the contents of the folder, then click and drag the MMOItems and MythicMobs folders into the `/plugins/ ` folder on your server.
- No files should be overridden, and everything should go where it needs to be.
- To install the MMOItem version, naviage to `/plugins/MMOItems/item/` and follow the instructions in the text document called `tool.yml.txt`.

- I've ticked this item as supporting 1.16, but I've only actively tested this item on 1.17.1 with the latests versions of all dependancies. If it doesn't work on 1.16.5 with the latests stables, send me a DM at @Woody#3551 and I'll have a look into it.
Update 1.1: Tested both premium and free versions on a 1.16.5 server, and everything seems to work fine!

- I have included 12 skills to flesh out the pack a bit. Feel free to change them however you see fit. If any of the default skills are having issues, yet again, send me a DM at @Woody#3551 and I'll have a look into it. I won't however provide support for skills that you've exchanged for the default ones, those are on you!

- While the pack lists as requiring MythicMobs Premium, converting it to a Free version likely won't be that bad, so I may update the resource in the future to work for free MM users. When I do this will depend on how much time I have, but if you're experienced with MM then it should be pretty easy to do it yourself.
Update 1.1: Free support has been added!

- MythicCrucible is also listed as a dependancy due to a bug. If I can manage to find a way to fix this bug, then I'll amend the resource page to require EITHER MythicCrucible or MMOItems.

- Finally, if you have any questions at all before you purchase the pack, DM at @Woody#3551 and I'll help you in any way I can!

PS. Please don't redistribute this pack, it's not very nice and I'll be very sad if you do!
Digital product
License Duration
2.00 USD
First release
Last update
4.00 star(s) 4 ratings

Latest updates

  1. Free support added!

    As in title! Added support for free MM users. I've tested the staff on the latest paper builds...

Latest reviews

I dont have dynamic folder help:'( ill change my rating to 5 if i get support
Only OP can use it. How to solve it
What an amazing addon with a low price, Thank you so much for providing this pack.
Great addon, Would love to see more added to this! Keep it up and thank you for the support you provided!